• 22/01/2023
  • By binternet

Children's troubles: the overdiagnosis trap<

Hyperactive, precocious ... for the psychologist Alessandro Elia, co-author of “Our children under microscope…”, the medicalization of academic difficulties and unsuitable behaviors of children is often counterproductive.Better to change relationships than children.Interview.

Attention disorders with or without hyperactivity, high potential, dyspraxia or dyscalculia ... We are increasingly medicalizing the academic difficulties and unsuitable behaviors of children.Before making an individual diagnosis, Alessandro Elia, psychotherapist and trainer, pleads to work first on the relationship with those around him.

How has the look at "different" children have evolved, who come out of the standard? The psycho-medical world has more and more tendency to transform into pathologies of fairly widespread and often transient behaviors.Small turbulent or in the moon, there have always been.They were perceived as "normal" forty years ago!It’s the way they’ve changed.So much so that we come to medicalize characteristics formerly attributed to the personality, sex or age of children.

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Troubles de l’enfant : le piège du surdiagnostic

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