• 22/01/2023
  • By binternet

Here is what the spectacular Spider-Man of Tom Holland looks like with the black suit of the symbiote<

parRaphael Voici à quoi ressemble le spectaculaire Spider-Man de Tom Holland avec le costume noir du symbiote Voici à quoi ressemble le spectaculaire Spider-Man de Tom Holland avec le costume noir du symbiote

Spider-man: no way home, the última película de marvel studios junto a sony pictures sober el superheroe arácnido, se ha convertido into the película más exitosa de los últimos tiempos postpandemia gracias a una recaudación.000 Millones de Dólares in everyone.And beyond its success with criticism and the public, the film leaves several doors open to the future of Spidey in the cinema, one of them having to see directly with one of the post-generic scenes.We warn against spoilers at the end of Spider-Man: No Way Home starting with the following paragraph.

Will we see Tom Holland in Venom's black suit?

And it is that one of the scenes of the end shows us Eddie Brock / Venom of the Spiderverse of Sony how he returns to his universe after the spell of Doctor Strange, not without leaving a small sample of the symbiote costume in the UCM.This small detail presents the symbiotes to the MCU, encouraging the Spider-Man of Tom Holland to join the symbiote, with clear reference to the Spider-Man in the classic black suit of the comic strips.For this reason, the artist Thomas du Crest de Marvel shared his vision of the actor's appearance with said costume;And the result could not be more promising.

Voici à quoi ressemble le spectaculaire Spider-Man de Tom Holland avec le costume noir du symbiote

This is how the artist shared it through his personal account on Twitter, indicating that it is a concept work for Spider-Man: No Way Home which was ultimately not used,But who can anticipate what will happen in the future Spider-Man films.And there is no doubt that the appearance that Spider-Man looks in these images is as spectacular as threatening, fully respecting the look of the comics with the white spider on the chest or the net launchers on the back of the hand.

Thomas du Crest has worked on several Marvel Studios films as an artist, including Spider-Man: Far from Home, Avengers Endgame or Ant-Man and the wasp, as well as Venom: There Will Be Carnage De Sony Pictures.

Origin |Thomas of the crest
