• 17/10/2022
  • By binternet

3 outfits for a job interview when you are round<

Le monde du travail est un univers très codifié. Dès le premier entretien d'embauche, on attend d'une personne qu'elle intègre certaines normes, notamment vestimentaires. Une tenue inadaptée pour ce type de rendez-vous peut en effet considérablement diminuer les chances d'accéder au poste convoité. Comment s'habiller pour cet évènement quand on est ronde ? Voici nos trois idées de tenues pour un entretien d'embauche rien que pour vous.3 tenues pour un entretien d’embauche quand on est ronde 3 tenues pour un entretien d’embauche quand on est ronde

The tailor, a classic and a safe bet for a job interview

The tailor with skirt and chic jacket is the outfit par excellence for a job interview.It is suitable for all ages but especially to all sizes.Also, the tailor is suitable for the job maintenance of many professions.

It should not be forgotten that the outfit chosen for a job interview must correspond to the type of job sought.And the tailor adapts to many functions, whether it be positions of responsibility, in the bank, the administration, the large companies for example or positions turned to the public such as the reception or the secretariat.Conversely, it is difficult to imagine a candidate wishing to access the baker's position coming in a suit and pumps to his maintenance.

In large version, we choose a straight skirt below or with the length of the knee and associate it with a blazer of the same color.You can wear your open or closed jacket depending on the desires, and below, you opt for a classic blouse or for a light but always chic blouse.Be careful, however, to avoid too pronounced necklines, unsuitable for this kind of maintenance.

A less strict but always chic outfit

3 tenues pour un entretien d’embauche quand on est ronde

As we have seen, the tailor, if it is adapted to many professions, is not recommended for certain activity sectors.However, regardless of the type of job targeted, it is always very important to be well dressed to pass a job interview.And it is better to be a bit too chic than neglected.

To change the strict tailor with straight skirt and blazer, we try the fluid shirt combination that does not mold the curves and straight pants too much, elegant and sophisticated.Here, we can dare to wear other colors than black, still being careful not to give in extravagance.

To complete your outfit, we put on a sober jacket in Blazer style and we wear ballerinas or heeled shoes..We can also afford a few accessories, a bracelet or a necklace for example, but we always choose them fine and discreet.

We dare originality for certain professions

If in some professions, an original and unconventional outfit can play against your disadvantage during a job interview, in other professions, on the contrary, it is the conformism of a classic outfit that risks playing you aa prank.

In some "trendy" and modern professions indeed, we will expect the holding of a candidate that she reflects her originality and his personality.Exit the classic tailor, we try a slightly shorter skirts and other materials like leather.On the accessories side, we can also afford more extravagance.

Be careful not to give in the escalation, which says modern does not mean vulgar or too exuberant.We are at a job interview, let's not forget.