• 26/01/2023
  • By binternet

Batch.A show to bring the voice of victims of violence and abuse of powers<

Par Rédaction CahorsPublié le
Actu Lot
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Wanda est comédienne, mais pourrait être n’importe quelle femme, une ouvrière, une coiffeuse, une cadre…, voire pourrait être un homme. Avant de devenir une comédienne, une femme accomplie, Wanda, durant son parcours, comme malheureusement trop de femmes, a subi les pièges courants, les abus de pouvoir, le sexisme, les mauvaises rencontres… Lot. Un spectacle pour porter la voix des victimes de violences et d'abus de pouvoirs Lot. Un spectacle pour porter la voix des victimes de violences et d'abus de pouvoirs

Wanda is certainly a fictitious character, from an original story, written and imagined by Céline Cohen, of the company Voraces, but could be any other woman or man.Wanda is the main character of "A against choice", the first theatrical creation of the young company "Vivre Libre ou Shrimp" by Lénaïck Colaquois, to be discovered on the stage of Cahors in the Lotle November 25, 2021 and Montcuq on November 27, 2021.

She has been working on this project for two years, which started following a meeting with Céline Cohen and Wilfried Tisseyre, of the company Voraces.

A lived story

This spectacle, whose framework is inspired by lived history, is only one on stage of 50 minutes, where Wanda, played by Lénaïck Colaquois, will tell her journey, find an echo in the news, with the movement "Balance Ton Cirque", Who denounces sexist practices, humiliations with regard to women and men, who exist in artistic schools.This unprecedented spectacle can give women and men the strength, the courage to express themselves freely, to denounce the unnameable, so that such abuses of power cease, everywhere, in the whole society.

Lot. Un spectacle pour porter la voix des victimes de violences et d'abus de pouvoirs

Throughout the show, in the background, accompanying the text interpreted by Lénaïck, is broadcast the music freely created by Wilfried Tisseyre.Light and management are worked by Eric Laborde.Wanda's costume was produced by Élise Thieffry.

Creation in artists' residence in Montcuq and Cahors

To create "A against choice", Lénaïck Colaquois was in artist residence at Crab, in Belmontet (commune of Montcuq-en-Quercy-Blanc), where she was greeted by Lézard de la Rue, at the European Center of Conques, at the Appia space of English-Juillac, with the support of the community of communes of the Lot and vineyard valley, and from November 2 to 5 at the Cahors theater, which for this young company and this creationis a great recognition of the cultural authorities, and first of the DRAC Occitania.

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This last four -day residence, following a representation at the MJC of Cahors, on September 24, as part of the Festival des Diversités, made it possible to achieve a video capture, by media 46, in order to broadcast the show, ofSee if the play could be played, in places not devoted to the theater and to see the scene, in view of the performances of November 24 and 25.

Indeed, as part of the week of fighting violence against women, in partnership with the CIDFF du Lot and the City of Cahors, two performances are scheduled at the Cahors theater, Wednesday, November 24, 2021, in the morning, inDestination of high school students from Grand Cahors, and Thursday 25, at 8:30 p.m., for all audiences, from 14 years old, by reservation at 05 65 20 88 60.

This same week, in partnership with Lézard de la Rue, "A against choice" will be played, once again, on Saturday November 27 at 8:30 p.m., at the Montcuq entertainment area (€ 10 entrance; reservations;, with "Lézard de la Rue", on 07 68 32 96 76).

With Lénaïck Colaquois and the Company "Living Free or Shrimp", through this creation "has against choice", the theater demonstrates its strength, that of encouraging each and everyone to release the floor, to denounce.

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Actu Lot
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