• 02/09/2022
  • By binternet

Biodiversity: these endangered species - Ladepeche.fr<

During an inter -ministerial committee gathers yesterday at the Museum of Natural History, Nicolas Hulot announced a large wrestling plan to safeguard biodiversity.The Minister wishes to stop the artificialization of soils and plastic releases to the oceans.

It is a double rescue plan.Supposed to limit the disappearance of species and the impoverishment of the soil, the biodiversity plan, announced last night by the Prime Minister, must also save the Hulot soldier.Or at least its reputation.

At the end of one year to the government, the assessment of the Minister of the Environment, who arrived as a hero in May 2017, is, indeed, very disappointing.Accused, for months, of not weighing enough to impose his priorities, he emerged even more weakened from the debate on the food law which does not include, in his many articles, to ban glyphosate.One of the relatives of the former animator, the deputy Matthew Orphan, tried to impose him by way of amendment but he was put in the minority by his friends of the Republic on.

Nicolas Hulot therefore, with this plan on biodiversity, all to prove and above all that he is not only the moral guarantee of a president devoid of all convictions in terms of environmental defense.

To signify the magnitude of the commitment, Edouard Philippe brought together an inter -ministerial committee at the "whale pavilion" of the natural history museum.Among the presents, the Ministers of Agriculture, Labor, Territorial Cohesion, Sports.Economy holders, health, interior and National Education were represented.Bad sign ?

The announcements are ambitious: stopping the artificialization of soils or the overuse of plastic, rescue of cetaceans or supports for virtuous farmers.But the deadlines are distant and the means to reach the goal still very vague.As for funding, the minister has not yet argued anything.

On the other hand, some gadgets, such as the app which allows to recognize plants in its environment, do not seem to the ambitions.

So Nicolas Hulot, will he save his honor thanks to this plan?Does he finally hold his revenge?Will he succeed in proving that his agreement with Emmanuel Macron was not a dupe market?Answer after summer.

Endangered species...

The Desman of the Pyrenees or Rat-Trumpette is a small semi-aquatic mammal.There are no figures for the number of individuals, but the surface of its distribution area has greatly decreased.The species is therefore classified vulnerable by the IUCN.Most often, insectivore is pushed to leave its territory for lack of food, because of warming water.But other factors are also to be taken into account as the concreting of the banks and the presence of the America mink.The European Life + Desmans conservation program has been launched to protect the species.

Birds are among the species suffering most from the lack of biodiversity.This is particularly the case with the Canepertière outardy.This plain bird has already disappeared from several regions in France, including Occitania.The bustard mainly undergoes the intensification of agricultural productions and the massive use of pesticides which affect its habitat.The bustard has seen its population decrease drastically in the plains of Europe (-70 % the last thirty years).

Biodiversité : ces espèces en danger - ladepeche.fr

European cistitude, aquatic turtle strictly protected by French law since 1979, has been in the process of extinction.Its disappearance is mainly explained by the decrease in wetlands, and the levy of individuals.Like the Desman of the Pyrenees, its population is difficult to encrypt, but protective organizations like the IUCN have noted a clear reduction in its distribution surface.

The Roman wild tulip, or Tulipe d'Agen, Lot-et-Garonnais botanical flagship, is one of the plant species in the process of extinction.Introduced by the Romans over 2000 years ago, it is often nicknamed "Sunbear".This wild, however protected tulip is on the red list of endangered species.The flower is mainly victim of the pesticides used in orchards or the rows of vines, where it is used to push.The Verger de Villebramar, in Aquitaine, has several hundred feet in flowers each year.It is one of the last important sites where it is still present.

The brown bear of the Pyrenees is the most contested endangered species in Occitania.Several releases have been made since 1996, making it possible to reach 41 individuals in 2017.In April, the Minister of Ecological Transition, Nicolas Hulot, signed the 2018-2028 brown bear action plan, aimed at ensuring the sustainability of the species.A decision welcomed by the defense associations, but disputed by the breeders, because of the bear attacks against their herds.

The European mink faces a disturbing decline in its population.70 % of the total workforce has disappeared in thirty years.Historically present throughout the continent, it is no longer found, on French territory, in New Aquitaine.Classified on the world red list by the International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN), it only remained in 2006 in 2006 only a few hundred individuals.Its progressive disappearance is due to urbanization and pollution which destroy its natural habitat.But also in the America mink, introduced in Europe for its fur and arrived with pathologies that does not resist its fellow.

... and those that invade us

The giant worm with a flat head is another formidable invader from South Asia.With its flat hammer -shaped head, the lumbric can measure up to 40 cm long.He is able to reproduce in a completely autonomous way.He loses each week 2 cm of his body which is then reconstituted as a complete adult.A single individual can therefore quickly invade a whole territory.In addition, this worm decimates the earthworms from which it feeds and can stone small animals by the neurotoxin it produces.

...and those that invade us

Ambroisia is a plant native to North America, more and more present in France.Harmful and invasive, it is known for the allergies it causes.Its particularly toxic pollen can cause asthma, allergic rhinitis and serious irritations.Appeared in Europe in the 19th century, it is estimated today that 20 % of the population is affected by the inconvenience of the Ambroisie.With adaptability, the use of herbicides is completely useless.A decree of April 2017 prohibits its intentional introduction in the territory, its transport and its use.

The crayfish of Louisiana is, as its name suggests, originally from the United States.It was introduced in France in the 1970s, for commercial reasons.The main problem of this crustacean is that it comes into direct competition with local species, being healthy of the crayfish of the crayfish.In addition, Louisiana's crayfish has a large capacity to adapt to polluted and oxygen -poor waters and can travel great distances to flee an unfavorable environment.A decree was made in 1983 prohibiting the import, transport and marketing of the species, but no limitation plan has been put in place.

The Asian hornet gradually invades France.25 departments are now affected by the insect.The species was introduced for the first time in the Lot-et-Garonne in 2004.As for the tiger mosquito, it is believed that its introduction is due to goods of goods from Asia.Its main impact is on the bees it feeds.The consequences of the presence of the hornet could be disastrous on the already weakened population of bees, and therefore on biodiversity, the bees largely participating in the pollination of plants.

The tiger mosquito, originally from Southeast Asia, is one of the ten most invasive species in the world.The insect, potential vector of serious illnesses like dengue or chikungunya arrived in France around 2005 and prevails particularly in the south of the metropolis.It is a so -called "globalization" mosquito, which has moved with goods transport.Its proliferation is becoming more and more quickly, especially around small water deductions such as vases and cups.

Japanese renouted was introduced in Europe as an ornamental plant in the middle of the 19th century.Its ability to reproduce and eliminate its competitors makes it an enemy of biodiversity.It has developed a real competition strategy towards other plants: it secretes substances poisoning the roots of the surrounding plants.