• 19/08/2022
  • By binternet

Montreal Fashion Week Looking back in tune with the times<

En 2013, la Semaine Mode de Montréal (SMM) tirait sa révérence, témoin d’un certain essoufflement d’un modèle mal adapté à la réalité de l’industrie de la mode au XXIe siècle.But now, like a phoenix, the event will be reborn from its ashes in September, in a reinvented version, an initiative of the industry powered by MMODE.

Publié le 21 juin 2021Iris Gagnon-Paradis La Presse

At the end of the line, Debbie Zakaib, Managing Director of MMODE, the Montreal fashion cluster, does not hide her enthusiasm."We are really excited and we feel real enthusiasm on the part of the industry.We want everyone to participate: big retailers, independent brands, designers, schools ... ", she lists.

Si la SMM a été organisée par le Groupe Sensation Mode pendant plusieurs années avant de tirer sa révérence, c’est feu le Conseil des créateurs de mode du Québec qui en détenait les droits, et c’est logiquement à mmode que sont passés ces derniers lorsque l’association a cessé d’exister, nous apprend Mme Zakaib.

The idea of reactivating the Montreal Mode week, but with a whole new form better suited to time, was in the boxes before the pandemic.The cluster surveyed various actors in order to find a formula where everyone could participate, in the measure of their means.

We took the time to consult the creators, retailers and other players in the industry, to do a survey in order to find a date that is suitable for everyone and that is not at the same time as other events in town orOther important trade fairs abroad.

La Semaine Mode de Montréal De retour dans l’air du temps

Debbie Zakaib, Managing Director of MMODE

Fashion, everywhere in town

It was the dates from September 13 to 19 that were finally selected, a "perfect timing", underlines the director general, since September should sound the return to offices and life in the city center.If MMODE takes care of the organization and promotion of the event, creators, retailers, manufacturers and educational establishments will each be able to go there with an activity of their choice during the event.

Contrairement au Festival Mode & Design, qui se déroule durant quelques jours en août à un seul endroit, soit la place des Festivals, la grappe souhaite que ce soit Montréal en entier qui se teinte des couleurs de l’évènement.

« On voudrait que la ville au complet soit mode, inviter les consommateurs à découvrir des quartiers, des artères commerciales, alors qu’on sait que l’achat local a le vent dans les voiles », remarque Mme Zakaib, comparant l’évènement à un Montréal en lumière de la mode, en quelque sorte.

It is no secret: the traditional model of fashion weeks is undermined all over the world, a phenomenon amplified by the pandemic.Social networks that allow you to disseminate new collections in real time, the fact that many buyers no longer attend, replaced in the stands of parades by influencers and stars, all this questioned this expensive structure whichno longer seems to serve creators and brands adequately.

Everyone questions the model of fashion weeks, it is expensive and there is also the question of the ecological footprint.This project, it is very unifying, very inclusive, the idea is to help everyone shine.

Debbie Zakaib, Managing Director of MMODE

Thus, everyone will have the freedom to organize this week an event according to their needs and desires: one can think that creators will open the doors of their workshops or will present their new collections in various ways, which independent designers will organize parades to presentFuture collections, which ephemeral shops will be born in the four corners of the city, that manufacturers will open their doors to the public or that shops will take advantage of it to organize sales.

Complete programming will be revealed gradually from July.

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