• 06/05/2022
  • By binternet

What are the jewels to have absolutely according to Yvonne Léon, designer of offbeat jewelry<

Yvonne Léon's precious jewels have an air of vacation and escape. Palm earring, ultra colorful signet ring or more classic jewels twisted with diamonds, its joyful collections bring an ounce of color to our daily life. Already adopted by Rihanna or Camille Cottin, Yvonne's jewelry breaks the traditional codes of jewelry and comes to upgrade our look. The designer took part in the Vogue France questionnaire and opened her jewelry box to us, to reveal to us which piece she wouldn't leave for anything in the world, or even the ultimate piece of jewelry she would dream of acquiring.

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Quels sont les bijoux à posséder absolument selon Yvonne Léon, créatrice de bijoux décalés

What is your first jewelry memory?

Yvonne Léon: Coming from a family of jewelers from father to son, I have always been surrounded by vintage jewellery, which has always influenced me, including an old brooch in the shape of a hummingbird belonging to my great-grandmother, which my mother wore very often.

What is your most precious jewel?

An emerald, diamond and pearl bangle bracelet with a safety chain that my grandmother Colette gave me. I love it, it has a very elegant art deco side. I'm so glad I inherited it.

The one you never take off?