• 17/05/2022
  • By binternet

Photos: whose nostrils are these?<

Anne Hathaway

The stars let themselves go to all the crazy things! Between cosmetic surgery and pronounced makeup, we find it more and more difficult to discern their naughty little flaws! And yes, few of them decide to opt for the natural... Sad to say when you see the result! Chest, facelift, Botox injections, it is necessary to pass on the table of operations to correct a small imperfection!. One of the most redone parts of the face in our friends the stars is none other than the nose! Too big, too sharp, not thin enough, there's always something to say! It is of course on him that we have decided to look at it today, but more precisely on the nostrils, which are an integral part of what is referred to in the jargon as "the PIF"! Pig's nose, redone nose, little puddy nose, nostrils change depending on a positioning or expression of the face... After taking a look at these photos, you will think twice before smiling or raising your head! Will you know whose nostrils these nostrils belong to? It's a big deal!

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Photos : à qui sont ces narines ?

Needless to say, celebrities are fanatics of cosmetic surgery! How can we not succumb to temptation when you earn millions of dollars! Small flaws quickly become big, and the pressure of the media and this world so prized on their personalities pushes them to do things that they might not have done!. This is the case of the great Michael Jackson who abused surgery so much that he had become unrecognizable... The pretty Blake lively also succumbed by refining the one she found slightly flattened!

>> Un sacré nez de cochon !

Or "growl" for intimate ones! It is a round nose with a little too much nostrils! You Don't choose what you have... The top Cara Delevigne is a perfect example, which proves that you can be a model but not perfect from foot to head!

>> Des trous aussi gros qu'une mine de charbon !

No one is perfect and you Don't choose what you have... Poor Phoebe price has no trouble breathing with such prominent nostrils! Same story for Nicki Minaj!

>> Une position qu'il aurait mieux fallu éviter !

Photographers Don't always take celebrities in their best profile! Indeed, the flashes crackle in every direction and the clichés are sometimes funny to watch! During a press conference for the last Batman, Anne Hathaway was photographed in reverse diving and that's why her nostrils are so well showcased! For Kate Middleton, this is a giggle crisis that's not going to put her to her advantage!

So, will these clues help you?

By C.D.

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