• 23/09/2022
  • By binternet

L'Oréal, LVMH, Pernod Ricard ... The collapse of biodiversity is a threat to biodiversity companies<

It's unpublished.For the first time at the IUCN (International Union for Nature Conservation), a Summit CEO was organized.This summit, bringing together CEOs who came to discuss the transformation of their businesses, reflects an increasingly significant awareness of the importance of maintaining healthy natural ecosystems."Business as usual is no longer an option," said the Minister of Ecological Transition Barbara Pompili.An affirmation all the more true for companies whose economic model is based on flourishing biodiversity while in almost fifty years, 68 % of wild vertebrate animals have disappeared.

This is particularly the case with LVMH."All sectors of activity in our professions are concerned: wines and spirits, perfumes and cosmetics, watches and jewelry, fashion and leather goods, selective distribution.And maintain close relationships with nature: there is no champagne without vineyards, no haute couture without cotton or silk, no perfume without plant species ", underlines the administrator of LVMH, Antoine Arnault, in a.In this wake, the number one of luxury aims to neutralize its impact on biodiversity by 2030.

"Taking care of our raw materials is taking care of our business"

The group undertakes to no longer use, at this deadline, raw materials from areas with a high risk of deforestation or desertification.He also hopes to rehabilitate five million hectares of habitats for fauna and flora worldwide.LVMH has thus established a partnership with UNESCO, one of the missions of which is to work for the protection of natural ecosystems.An alliance which consists in particular in bringing out a "new luxury".But this sector is not the only impacted.

L’Oréal, LVMH, Pernod Ricard… L’effondrement de la biodiversité est une menace pour les entreprises Biodiversité

"We act by conviction, but also because to take care of biodiversity is to take care of our raw materials and therefore our business," said Occitane Director Adrien Geiger, during CEO Summit.The cosmetic sector is particularly concerned by the subject.The domain leader, L’Oréal, uses 1,600 raw materials from almost 350 plant species."Biodiversity is a major source for us", already explained in 2017 the Sustainable Sourcing Manager at L’Oréal, Rachel Barré.The group has set itself the objective that all of its bio -based ingredients for formulas and packaging materials are traceable and come from sustainable sources.

Pernod Ricard, an unprecedented partnership with IUCN

And it is no coincidence that Pernod Ricard, world number two of wines and spirits is the first company in the world to sign a partnership with the IUCN."The ingredients that make up our products come from nature and draw their characters, their forces, from the terroir from where they come.Backing up our terroirs, promoting synergies and transition to action is clearly a priority for us and a major planetary issue today, "explains its president, Philippe Coutin."It was natural and essential for us to support this world-scale event and via this club, to carry the voice of biodiversity," he added.

The group will thus federate and share the solutions implemented in terms of biodiversity, particularly sustainable agriculture.Pernod Ricard, who divided by two his use of pesticides, will thus pool good practices."Our common goal is to inscribe nature at the top of international priorities because our destinies are intrinsically linked, planet, climate, nature and human communities," said Medef president, Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux.The employers' union has just launched a MOOC with the animal protection league and the French biodiversity office to help VSEs, SMEs and and act in favor of biodiversity.

Marina Fabre, @fabre_marina