• 18/08/2022
  • By binternet

Apple and Burberry worked on exclusive messaging |igeneration<

Même si Angela Ahrendts n'est plus dans le paysage ni chez l'un, ni chez l'autre, Burberry et Apple continuent de travailler ensemble pour le bien-être des clients haut de gamme de l'enseigne de vêtements. À partir d'aujourd'hui, les employés des boutiques Burberry vont pouvoir texter avec leurs clients les plus importants (comprendre : ceux qui dépensent beaucoup) en direct, via le service R Message.Apple et Burberry ont travaillé sur une messagerie exclusive | iGeneration Apple et Burberry ont travaillé sur une messagerie exclusive | iGeneration

This messaging connects to the application of the brand, by which the customer can make an appointment, discuss with an employee, receive personalized offers and buy products.At the other end, the employee Burberry is able to provide the customer by having direct access to stocks thanks to an internal app, R World, which is a bit of the equivalent of the hello application for Apple Store employees.

R Message, a service by invitation only, has been developed in collaboration with Apple, without knowing the manufacturer's level of involvement in this initiative.This is an experiment, launched in the Burberry store in Manchester, which is intended to extend to the entire brand network (431 stores).

Apple et Burberry ont travaillé sur une messagerie exclusive | iGeneration

This messaging somehow looks like a version of custom chat business for Burberry.The clothes seller also uses Apple B2C messaging, but r message is more exclusive.