• 29/10/2022
  • By binternet

How the Kardashian made a fortune thanks to their celebrity<

Reception Edito

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by Azaid

For almost ten years, the Kardashian family has been on the first page of tabloids every day.Behind this extraordinary celebrity phenomenon hides a developed commercial strategy.

""""The Kardashian are known to be known, they have no talent.""""For many years, this sentence has been hammered to discredit the media omnipresence of this extraordinary family.In reality, the Kardashian clan operates as a real business and in less than ten years, KrisJenner, the """"Momager"""" (contraction of """"Mom"""" and """"Manager"""") has been able to erect an empire which will soon weigh a billion dollars.

How Kim, Kourtney, Khloé, Kendall, Kylie, the queens of the Drama and Too Much were able to impose itself in real lifestyle muses around the world?Can we decipher the strategy and business model that has enabled them to exponentially increase their degree of influence over the years?

Scandal, sex, money: the genesis of a phenomenon

Impossible to approach the Kardashian without drawing up a rapid portrait of the intriguing KrisJenner, the mother, the ultimate maestra of this matriarchal organization.Born in San Diego in 1955, Kristen Mary Houghton was raised by her mother and grandmother (her father having folded luggage when she was barely seven years old, an episode which is described as a real trauma in her memoirs).Kris will spend most of her free time in the very chic family shop, in which you could find decorative items and candles.

Having become a teenager, the young woman is thirsty.Kris will then become a hostess time, before marrying in 1978 a rich entrepreneur and lawyer of almost twelve years his elder, Robert Kardashian.This man, small and mustache, will offer him a luxury life, in a house perched on the upscale hills of Los Angeles.

Robert Kardashian marked American judicial history since he was one of the five lawyers.J.Simpson, between 1994 and 1995.It is also David Schwimmer, (Ross in Friends) who plays his role in the American Crime Story series, who traces the sordid affair in which the American football star was accused of the double homicide of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpsonand his companion.

Kris definitively separated from Robert in the middle of trial since, according to her, he defended the assassin of his best friend (they had divorced in 1991, but continued to raise their children together).Yes, in the genre """"drama"""", they do not pretend. En 2003, Robert Kardashian succombera à un cancer foudroyant laissant son ex-femme et ses quatre enfants, Kim, Kourtney, Khloé et RobertJr., in deep sadness.

But no question for Kris to mourns. De toute façon, dès l'année de son divorce, elle s'était remariée avec le champion de tennis BruceJenner, avec qui elle a eu deux filles, Kendall et Kylie.Si de son vivant Robert Kardashian voulait que ses enfants s’éloignent du star system comme de la peste en suivant de longues études dans des facs prestigieuses, KrisJenner a d’autres projets...

Aujourd’hui âgée de 60 ans, KrisJenner se consacre exclusivement au développement du business que représente sa télégénique progéniture.""""What motivates Kris? Power, power, power"""", analyzes his own sister, Karen in 2013 in the pages of the magazine in Touch.""""And money.She came to the world asking where her ferrari was ... it is an addiction that testifies to her discomfort.His inner vacuum can never be filled, """"Karen's without ambocading.

Programmée depuis toute petite par sa mère MaryJo (appelée MJ) pour entreprendre et réussir, KrisJenner n’a peur de rien.As one of his best known mottos reminds us: """"If someone says no, it is because you are addressing the bad person.""""

A sex tape as a launch ramp

The general public discovered the existence of the eldest clan, Kim Kardashian, in 2007 through a sulphurous sex tape.The 41 -minute sequence represents the cornerstone on which the Kardashian Empire was built. On y découvrela brunette, alors âgée de 23 ans, en plein ébat avec RayJ, le frère de la chanteuse Brandy.

Even today, many questions persist around this sex tape.Shot in 2003, the video mysteriously leaké on the Internet in February 2007, through a production company specializing in porn, Vivid Entertainment.It is important to note the improbable synchronicity since Kim K Superstar, the premonitory title of the film, was released only six months before the broadcast of the first episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, the standard series of the E!.

Cette émission servira de catalyseur aux plans de KrisJenner et fera passer chaque membre du clan de l’ombre à la lumière.It is also important to specify that there too the matriarch is the great instigator of this project.It is she who will strike, in 2005, at the door of producer Ryan Seacrest to offer him the idea of filming his own family to make it a TV show, which would be similar to that on the Osbourne, on MTV.According to her, her six children aged between 7 and 26 years old were enormous potential. """"On pourra toucher les gens de 10 à 100 ans !"""", avait-elle alors affirmé au producteur, comme elle le relate dans son livre paru en 2011, KrisJenner… and all things Kardashian.

De nombreuses sources, dont l’auteur Ian Halperin dans son livre sorti ce printemps Kardashian Dynasty : The Controversial Rise of America's Royal Family, affirment que c’est KrisJenner elle-même qui aurait entièrement orchestré l'affaire de la vidéo. La momager aurait assisté au montage de la vidéo et aurait même fait retourner certaines scènes, jugeant la prestation de sa fille pas assez """"hot"""".

À ce propos, Kris expliqua dans le tout premier épisode de Keeping up with the Kardashians, diffusé le 14 octobre 2007 : """"Quand j’ai entendu parler pour la première fois de la sex tape de Kim, en tant que mère j’ai voulu la tuer, mais en tant que manager, je savais qu’il y avait quelque chose à en tirer."""" C’est bien là toute la complexité de KrisJenner.The border between maternal benevolence and the acute sense of business is tense.

A Family Business model

""""I didn't want my children to move away from me by making their lives each on their side. Grâce à notre téléréalité on vit et on travaille ensemble"""", clame fièrement KrisJenner dans son autobiographie.The matriarch to the false pimp airs has set up a real financial empire, which collects millions of dollars every year.

The family's main asset comes from the heritage left by the father, Robert Kardashian, who died in 2003.The famous lawyer bequeathed $ 100 million (90 million euros) in real estate to his four children. Mais l’argent ne suffit pour KrisJenner : ce qu’elle veut pour sa famille c’est la reconnaissance et le succès.

Meticulously, she will turn into a formidable businesswoman.Even if the start of Keeping Up with the Kardashians was complicated, the series won over the episodes an increasingly faithful audience. C’est à ce moment que KrisJenner aura la bonne idée de multiplier dans le show des placements de produits, en collaboration avec des marques """"teen"""" et """"girly"""" : autobronzants (Sunbeam de Kardashian Beauty), comprimés brûleurs de graisse (QuickTrim), soins antiacné (PerfectSkin), vernis à ongles (Kardashian Kolor avec OPI)…

As of 2009, only two years after their first cathodic appearance, Kardashian stamped products are absolutely everywhere.If you have traveled during this period in the United States and saw at least one advertising on television, you have necessarily noticed their ubiquity.

L’équation parfaite trouvée par KrisJenner va lui permettre d’engranger des millions de dollars.The three brunettes Kim, Khloé and Kourtney quickly proved that by associating with any brand, they could make it a commercial hit (and that long before their frantic use of social networks).

The Kardashian have been able to offer products and services for absolutely everyone, with very accessible products on the one hand (such as their cosmetic lines sold in supermarkets or their advice books for less than 20 dollars) and on the otherExclusive services (such as appearances in Las Vegas and Dubai clubs, paid between 300,000 and 800,000 dollars).

The clan strategy is global and above all based on the monetization of an outrageous and rowdy lifestyle.""""The Kardashian have an existence that make you dream.Consumers think 'Hey, I too can become a Kardashian by buying that and that!', Explains the journalist of People magazine David Caplan.And with five differentiated sisters, everyone can now identify with a Kardashian.""""

Knowing that in addition to the three iconic sisters, two new Amazons emerged within the family: Kylie and Kendall.Bottled on reality TV, the two young ladies grew up surrounded by executives and makeup artists.The two youngest were shaped with great precision in order to please all profiles: Kendall, 20, large and slender will be the glamorous and chic deposit that will parade for the biggest seam houses.Kylie, 19, will have a clearer style, more edgy.With her excess surgery and her supernatural silhouette, she will position herself on the hype and shock niche. On aura alors d’un côté le joli cygne blanc doux et délicat et de l’autre """"black swan"""", à l’attitude plus sombre et volontairement provocante.There too, Kris leaves a large prism to be able to exploit all the eventualities and place her two daughters on a maximum of boxes of the branding chessboard.

Digital, thoroughly!

Le clan Kardashian a souvent fait partie des """"early adopters"""" sur de nombreuses plateformes de partage, comme Twitter, Instagram ou plus récemment Snapchat (même si Kim a longtemps traîné des pieds pour rejoindre le réseau).

The clan has more than 344 million subscribers on Instagram and 136 million on Twitter.This digital seat represents a real jackpot for the family, which can negotiate in force each of its advertising contracts.

But since 2014, the virtual sphere of the Kardashian Empire has taken a shot from Viagra since Kim has embarked on a brand new business, which reported to him, according to Bloomberg nearly 200 million euros in 2014: applications andsmartphones games.

Avec son jeu Kim Kardashian : Hollywood (qui est resté dans le top 5 des applications les plus téléchargées dans le monde pendant de nombreuses semaines) et ses """"Kimojis"""", (des emojis sexy qui ont été téléchargés plus de 9 millions de fois par seconde à leur lancement) la brune s’est muée en véritable figure de la Silicon Valley.

""""Nous avons proposé notre projet de jeu interactif à Kim Kardashian car elle représente une puissante marque à elle toute seule"""", explique Niccolo de Masi, le directeur de Glu, l’entreprise qui a développé le jeu.

Kim Kardashian's strong point: Hollywood lies in the fact that players see the star evolve in real time.Very regularly, updates are made.Intrigues, events, clothes worn ... Fans have an overview of Kim Kardashian's real life.It is this promiscuity between reality and digital that seduced the millions of people who downloaded the game.

According to Forbes, the most bankable clan would have won, by combining all of its digital activities, around $ 71.8 million in 2015.Small calculator: the Kim Kardashian Empire pockets nearly $ 5.9 million per month thanks to the development of its images made of pixels and online purchases.

The queens of communication

Rien n’échappe à KrisJenner. C'est pour cela que la """"momager"""" a créé sa propre agence de communication, KardashianJenner Communications, qui assure évidemment la promotion de ses six enfants. Et qui dit manager, dit forcément commissions : KrisJenner empoche en moyenne entre 10 et 12 % de tous les contrats signés par les membres de sa petite famille.

D’ailleurs, ce rapport unique entre mère et enfants avait été moqué dans un épisode de leur émission de téléréalité dans lequel Kris prend Khloé dans ses bras et lui dit : """"Je t’aime ma fille adorée"""". Cette dernière lui répond alors : """"Non mais toi, tu aimes tout ce qui peut te rapporter 10 %.""""Bim!

Mais étant donné qu’on n’est jamais assez bien protégé du côté d’Hollywood, KrisJenner a aussi su s’entourer des meilleurs attachés de presse et conseillers en communication du monde du show business.As soon as she arrived in Beverly Hills, in the late 1970s, Kris quickly understood the importance of storytelling and personal branding.

It has thus become used to distilling the little stories in the drop-in account that will allow the international press to be fed daily.And where it is even stronger is that it always manages to turn the worst situations to its advantage. Exemple : lorsque son mari BruceJenner décide de changer de sexe quelques semaines après son divorce, elle utilise l’événement en mettant en scène une discussion entre celle qui se fait maintenant appeler Caitlyn et ses filles, dans leur émission.

Besides, to boost audiences at half mast of the seventh season of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Kris even organized the rapprochement in Kim andKanye West, according to Ian Halperin. Voulant à tout prix caser sa fille adorée, KrisJenner lui aurait proposé une short list de plusieurs noms parmi lesquels se trouvaient :Justin Bieber, le basketteur Nick Young des Lakers (qui fricotera un temps avec Khloé), Matt Kemp de l'équipe de base-ball des Dodgers (qui fricotera aussi un temps avec Khloé…) et...Kanye West.

Since the border between private and public life is nonexistent within the clan - I remind you that the family continues to use reality to fuel fiction in their various shows - absolutely everything, is communication with the Kardashian.

Outstanding influencers

Whether you appreciate its looks or hate them, we can clearly say that Kim Kardashian has imposed herself over the years like a fashion icon. Photographiée par les plus grands, de Karl Lagerfeld à Patrick Demarchelier en passant parJean-Paul Goude, celle qui était il y a encore quelques années persona non grata au Met Ball a clairement pris sa revanche.

Le vrai tournant a eu lieu lorsqu’elle a épousé le prince du swag,Kanye West.A true genius of design with overflowing inspiration, the 39 -year -old man was able to completely transcend the image of Kim Kardashian by revamping her.In a few months, she became her IRL doll. En s’improvisant styliste,Kanye West a défini pour sa femme une nouvelle ligne de mode, en la dirigeant vers des tenues structurées, minimalistes et ultra sexy.

By changing three or even four times a day to multiply the series of photos sent to editors, Kim Kardashian has made the difference and hit the eye of creators and influential personalities.

From now on, it is at the forefront of all the most prestigious parades. Le couple Kardashian-West est devenu un véritable """"power couple"""", puisque une fois sa femme confortablement assise au sommet du monde de la mode, Kanye a vite compris qu’il pouvait aussi l’utiliser comme muse ultime pour sa collection de chaussures estampillées Yeezy.Who better than Kim Kardashian and her many sisters to promote her merchandising?

But in a more structured way, Kim Kardashian offered the world a new absolute female body.Through multiple cosmetic surgery interventions, the luscious brown has completely changed the reference silhouette of our time. Kim Kardashian a révolutionné les proportions en poussant à l’extrême la silhouette """"sablier"""" (gros seins, grosses fesses et mini taille).Even if it means becoming a caricatured version of itself.

Même si elle garde sous silence ses petits secrets pour avoir un corps pareil, Kim et ses soeurettes ont largement contribué à la démocratisation de la pratique du """"fat transfert"""", aussi connu sous le petit nom de """"BBL"""" (pour """"Brazilian butt lift"""").Basically, the process consists in carrying out a liposuction of the fatty zones of your body, then reinjecting the excess fat obtained in your buttocks.Yes, it's incredible.

D’ailleurs, pour prouver que son physique s’est imposé comme une nouvelle norme esthétique, le très respecté Vogue titrait en 2014 un article par : """"Nous entrons officiellement dans l’ère des grosses fesses"""".

Moreover, on the highest throne of fashion, Kim Kardashian is never seated only on his ball.To meditate.

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