• 03/03/2023
  • By binternet

Passion, source of inspiration for entrepreneurs<

A start-up always responds to a problem."To detect it, you have to be close to the field in which we will undertake.Whether through his work, his family or his passion, ”says Romain Cochet, director of the Numa Paris acceleration program.

Un conseil suivi par Florence Herry, cofondatrice de Libhéros.Before launching her start-up in May 2015, she was a nurse at the Institut Curie.The young woman detects a lack of monitoring of her patients at the leaving the hospital.She then imagines a platform to connect health professionals with individuals and, thus, organize home care.

Knowledge of the hospital environment was a real advantage in its business creation."I know how the services are structured, who to present the project, I know the medical language, but also the terms to use.We will never say 'client' but 'patient' for example.These details make all the difference, ”she assures.Armed with this credibility, Florence Herry achieves two fundraising including € 1.1 million last July with private investors and the Aliad Fund.

The passion for his job, a kind of hypercomplique, is also useful in recruitment and management."Passion is the best inspiration for teams," says Romain Cochet.To undertake is a marathon, you have to have that at the bottom of yourself so that you can follow you ”.

Family passion

For Arnaud Faure, the entrepreneurial click comes from his wife.In early 2014, he discovered that she is allergic to gluten.At the time, finding a vegan restaurant is a challenge.Employee for 12 years at Volkswagen, he left his job to open a vegan restaurant in Lyon.

This marketing professional then begins a training "Create and direct his restaurant" at the Bocuse Institute.Three months of intensive lessons which give it a guarantee of credibility, especially from the banks to obtain a loan.

La passion, source d'inspiration des entrepreneurs

The practice is optional but Arnaud Faure wishes to learn to cook."We have a sharper vision of the work of his leader, we can speak more professionally to him.And then it is risky to make 100 % confidence in others, ”explains the entrepreneur.

A winning bet: in December 2015, the Five opened its doors.Since then, the restaurateur has hired three employees and serves 20 to 30 covers per day.However, he takes care not to "rest on his laurels" despite his conversion program and his sharp knowledge of gastronomy."You should never anchor yourself in your habits," said the young chef.

"Surround yourself with experts"

Also be careful to "surround themselves as quickly as possible any experts in the fields that we do not master", advises Romain Cochet.

A problem that faces Florence Herry."When we come from the care, we do not consider health as a commercial product," says the nurse."I was lucky to be surrounded by entrepreneurs friends who pushed me to get started".

It feeds on their knowledge in management and finance to refine its project.She even ends up associating with a loved one, Jean-Christophe Klein, graduate of ESSEC.An efficient Libheros pair already employs a team of 15 people and lists more than 400 health professionals.

"I don't feel investment"

Framework, also in health, Ganesh Mamodaly did not find his inspiration in the medical environment.When he leaves his costume as manager of professional relations of the Amgen laboratory, this thirty-something puts the crampons of the start-up business league.With a colleague from his laboratory, Saber Daassi, he organized inter -company football matches.

"I have been playing football since I can run behind a balloon.With Saber, we wanted to make games against other companies.When we saw the success that it would generate, we opened up to other sectors and we launched our activity on the job in September 2013, "recalls Ganesh Mamodaly.The two co -founders have recruited a sales manager and now organize 800 games per year for a hundred companies: BNP Paribas, L'Equipe, Allianz…

"I was lucky to be able to create this start-up that combines business and passion.I go to bed at 3 am, but it's not a constraint.I do not feel the investment neither in time nor in energy, ”says Ganesh Mamodaly.

"We know what enthusiasts want"

According to the entrepreneur, his passion would also be a source of inspiration to imagine new services."We know what football enthusiasts want.Result we offer our customers what they expect without even they know it.Business League thus offers post-match interviews, personalized jerseys, and even a sensor placed behind the player's thigh to record his physical performance.

But wanting to put their customers' jersey so easily, the two entrepreneurs forget that not everyone is as a fan as they.Increased price of their package (2.999 euros HT) is thus criticized by certain companies which would go well, for example, of a sensor on the leg of their players.

"You have to think from a business point of view before starting new services.Do not indulge in your passion without controlling the economic consequences, ”analyzes a posteriori Ganesh Mamodaly.

However, as Roman Cochet tempers "it is easier to gain in entrepreneurial coldness than to invent a passion".According to the director of the Numa Paris acceleration program, passionate entrepreneurs "feel invested with a mission" and "project themselves in the long term", two main keys to success.

The key figure

En 2011, EY a interrogé les 685 entrepreneurs lauréats de son Prix de l'entrepreneur, partout dans le monde. A la question « Quelles qualités sont les plus importantes pour un entrepreneur ? » les deux premières réponses à plus de 70 % sont la vision et la passion.