• 12/10/2022
  • By binternet

Solo: A Star Wars Story • Films • Star Wars Universe<

(80 %)

Solo: the film we no longer expected

Avant de commencer, quelques mots sur ma situation, afin de quelque peu contextualiser ma critique. J’ai détesté l’Épisode VII, eu beaucoup de mal avec l’Épisode VIII, mais beaucoup apprécié Rogue One.VSontrairement à certains qui considèrent les spin-offs comme du bonus par rapport à la saga principale, je suis par conséquent largement plus attiré par ce type de production, que je trouve particulièrement adapté au développement de l’univers.Solo : A Star Wars Story • Films • Star Wars Universe Solo : A Star Wars Story • Films • Star Wars Universe

However, I didn't expect anything solo.Because the canvas sold it to us as a guaranteed disaster, given all the problems encountered during its achievement, and because the trailers had left me.It is therefore with an amazing detachment that I went to the cinema, convinced to see a film at best correctly correct.As much to tell you right away, the surprise was most pleasant!

Solo is a spin-off, a real.He focuses on the eponymous emblematic character, and presents it to us in a new light.Do not expect to find a copy/glued to the figure you know, you might be disappointed.It is not any adventure of the smuggler who is presented, but his initiatory career.He is a young man touching who we are dealing with, still naive in many ways and dreams full.

Throughout the film, we are witnessing the progressive transformation of the protagonist, which tends more and more towards the smuggler seen in the original trilogy.Han continues the interviews and the adventures, gradually building his mythology.Meetings with Lando andVShewbacca, Kessel raid in 12 parsecs, gain of the millennium hawk ... so many events expected by the spectator but which do not take place as expected.Kasdan gentlemen hat, you disconcerted me!It is clear that even if the main frame of the feature is known in advance by anyone who has viewed episodes IV and V of the saga, we are not bored for a second as the film is dense and the factswell -brought.In my opinion, the only missed from this point of view is the meeting withVShewbacca: the scene is far too fast, and the rapprochement between the two accomplices should have been more worked in order to arouse more emotions.

Solo : A Star Wars Story • Films • Star Wars Universe

Note that part of the plot is not resolved at the end of the film, following an element that will not fail to make teeth and flow a lot of ink.Personally, I loved this final turnaround when we were quietly heading for a classic epilogue.I have no doubt that many will complain about this scriptwriting choice, and will see only a commercial strategy, but I am seduced by this risk taking, and I can't wait to discover how far this choice welead to !

To appreciate the scene that I evoke at its fair value (and I will almost dare say: to understand the why of the how), it is however necessary to know one of the founding stories of the new extensive universe, well known in the middlefans but who probably had no repercussions on a global scale targeted by solo.Good or bad strategy?Little matter, I don't care if the general public will hold it rigor or not, but I had the pleasant feeling that this work was also thought of to integrate into a very big.And for the fan that I am, it's very appreciable.Many references are also hidden everywhere in the film, one of which only some real legends connoisseurs will appreciate, but without ever falling into the fan-service.And for once, the prelogy is not forgotten!

A little word on the actors.I found Alden Ehrenreich relatively convincing in his role as a trafficker in the making.But the real revelation is for me Donald Glover, who gives colossal badassitude to the character of Lando.I even find myself dreaming of a Lando: A Star Wars Story!On the other hand, I remain a little hungry concerning EmiliaVSlarke (Q’ira) and Woody Harrelson (Beckett), who do the work without being transcendent: in view of their talent, we could expect better.

The realization is very good, and the environments are varied and well constructed, especially Kessel!As for music, the only word that comes to mind is: "Finally!»».Finally an original theme at the height of the saga, with particularly successful new songs that perfectly complement the wide palette created by John Williams for the first six films.To listen without moderation !

I would like to finish on a small request for the attention of all fans of the saga.Do not confine yourself to wanting to fill boxes to find out whether it is a Star Wars or not.We counterfeit, and the film's introduction scene, with unprecedented construction, is there to remind us.Likewise, at all pro-Legends, do not try to compare this story to the novels of A.VS.VSrispin.The essential is elsewhere.The best Star Wars are above all films that transport us, make us vibrate.And Solo is one of them.Successful bet, Mister Howard.