• 30/10/2022
  • By binternet

Hillary prisoner, Obama hanged: the worst political disguise of Halloween<

Reading time: 2 min

One week before the American presidential election, many Americans celebrated Halloween in a very politicized manner.In the city of West Medford, in the Massachusetts, a neighborhood festival degenerated when the chief of the local police union was taken in the process of handling a person disguised as Hillary Clinton, dressed in an orange uniform ofdetainee.

The photo caused a sensation online and was retweeted by Al Baldasaro, a Donald Trump advisor known for having declared on the radio that Clinton deserved to be executed for betrayal.

Last week, in the city of Grantville, in Pennsylvania, the Halloween parade included a tank with a clinton behind bars.

For months, crowds, at Trump meetings, have shouted "Hillary in prison" and "locked up", and Hillary's disguises are available online.The Hillaryistheneworange site.com offers a complete kit including an orange inmate uniform with "Clinton" written on the back, handcuffs and a mask for $ 70.

Some have even created children's versions of disguise, as in this photo tweeted by the pro-Trump account (unofficial) @potustrump:

Hillary prisonnière, Obama pendu: les pires déguisements politiques d'Halloween

According to the Conservative site independent newspaper review, this disguise was this year particularly popular with couples, with the man in Trump and the woman, handcuffed, in clinton prisoner.

The Democratic candidate is not the only one to have inspired Trump fans.During a football match at the University of Wisconsin, two spectators sported a particularly violent disguise: one wore a mask of Barack Obama and a rope around his neck, the other was disguised as a trump and held it by the rope.The security services asked them to withdraw their masks but they were able to stay watching the match.

Anti-Trumps have also made efforts, like this ten-year-old schoolboy disguised as Trump's hair.His mother spent hours realizing this creation, and his look has become viral.

Others have been inspired by certain statements by the Republican candidate.Thus, this woman disguised herself as "catch women by the cat", the words that Trump pronounced in the now famous video of "Access Hollywood".

And finally, there are those who took all this a little too seriously.A week before Halloween, the pro-Trump radio presenter Bill Mitchell explained that the heavy sales of Trump masks were a very good sign for the republican candidate.