• 06/02/2023
  • By binternet

Between 2008 and 2019, the Nièvre lost 16,201 inhabitants [map]<

Between 2008 and 2013, the Nièvre lost 5.432 inhabitants and 10.769 between 2013 and 2019.These are the first figures to remember from the publication of INSEE Bourgogne Franche-Comté on the legal population in our region on January 1, 2019.Admittedly, we are at dawn of 2022 and the data have evolved, upward or downwards, but these statistics shed light on our demography.And it turns out that on the eight departments of Burgundy-Franche-Comté, it is ours that is the most affected: "In the Nièvre, the loss of populations started for fifty years continues and is amplified.It is the department that knows the most important dropout with Martinique ".As of January 1, 2019, our legal population was 204.452 inhabitants against 220.653 in 2008.

Over the same period, Côte-d'Obs and Doubs are the only two departments to be won still by residents."They owe it in particular to a natural balance always positive thanks to the youth of their population".Their population growth is however lower than the national average.In the Jura and in Saône-et-Loire, the decrease in population is little marked.The Haute-Saône and the Territoire de Belfort now lose inhabitants while in the Yonne, the demographic depends dates from ten years.

Some main cities with a magnifying glass

By taking an interest in a few big cities in Nièvre, there are strong decreases, stability, but also increases.Thus, Nevers, a prefecture city, had 37.556 inhabitants in 2008 and 33.005 on January 1, 2019, a difference of 4.551.INSEE statistics show that the most important loss over the period concerned is between 2008 and 2013, the total population going from 37.556 to 34.841.

Entre 2008 et 2019, la Nièvre a perdu 16.201 habitants [carte]

Another important city in our department, Cosne-sur-Loire.Again, the data report a real loss, the town going from 11.065 inhabitants in 2008 at 9.589 in 2019.On the other hand, Varennes-Vauzelles displays stability.Thus, in 2008, the legal population of the railway city was 9.366 inhabitants.After a slight increase in 2013 to reach 9.440, the 2019 figures report 9.201 souls.

In Decize, the loss is again real.The municipality had 5.831 inhabitants in 2008 against 5.233 in 2019.

On the other hand, in Clamecy, the drop is more marked.If the city of floats displayed 4.331 inhabitants in 2008, they were 3.590 in 2019, a drop of 741.

Conversely, Nivernais cities display a more or less clear gain.This is for example the case of Garchizy which goes from 3.669 inhabitants in 2008 at 3.740 in 2019.This is also the case in Coulanges-lès-Nevers which had 3.489 souls in 2008 and 3.724 in 2019.Chaulgnes also shows an increase in its population which was 1.349 in 2008 to reach 1.503 in 2019.

By linger in the municipalities of less than 1.000 inhabitants, there are also disparities there.Tracy-sur-Loire, for example, is marked by a very slight increase, passing in ten years from 969 to 986.In Varennes-lès-Narcy, it is a little more marked with 799 inhabitants in 2008 for 928 in 2019.

As for Moissy-Moulinot, which is still the least populated city in Nièvre, the loss, reduced to the volume of population, is important with 26 inhabitants in 2008.

Text: Denis Chaumereuil Infographies: Lara Payet