• 14/11/2022
  • By binternet

What's going on in the body when you don't leave home of the day<

Whether we are on a telework during the week or at rest during the weekend, in the middle of the cold season, it is common to become aware at 6.30 p.m. that we did not leave us from our home.Cardiologist and nutritionist Frédéric Saldmann reminds us: "To be in good physical and mental health, we need to be in motion".Even if the motivation is absent, it is essential to move and take the air.At the risk of meeting certain disappointments.Demonstration.

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A loss of physical form

It is indisputable, when you are at home, you move less: you telework your office, sometimes even from your bed.With the pandemic, the temptation to stay safe at home has grown and sedentary lifestyle has imposed itself as a major problem."We know that 30 minutes of physical exercise per day can drop the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease or Alzheimer's risk by 40 %," insists Frédéric Saldmann, insists Frédéric Saldmann.In addition to protecting diseases, sport will secrete endorphins, responsible for more general well-being.And it will boost the immune system, which will then defend us better against any type of infection.

Not going out of home will also have an impact on physical form, since while remaining permanently on the spot, we are exposed to weight gain.The calculation is simple: "We get bigger because there are entries - we continue to eat - but there are no spending because we do not move," explains the cardiologist.And in these times of generalized anxiety, some may tend to nibble to compensate: they store more than usual because of stress and their anxieties, without spending themselves afterwards.

Disturbed sleep

With the days that shorten and the telework "we lose the two sleep synchronizers which are the exhibition in natural light and physical activity", states Philippe Beaulieu, sleep doctor and author of sleep without herbal tea or medocs (1).During the day, the level of lighting is not enough, and without exposing itself to natural light in the morning, the organism loses its landmarks.Result, sleep disorders may appear, ranging from simple insomnia to phase discrepancies.From there, we enter "the vicious circle of lethargy", continues the doctor.In other words, the less we do, the less we want to do it.

Ce qu’il se passe dans le corps quand on ne sort pas de chez soi de la journée

"We have a natural propensity not to go out, against which we must fight.It is important not to let go and to stand for a fixed program, advises Philippe Beaulieu.If sleep begins to deteriorate, he will no longer be able to correctly fulfill his role in processing emotions and problems with problems, and the psychic state will only be deteriorated.»»

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On video, 7 good reasons not to stay at home from morning to night

Incessant rumination

At home, we find ourselves alone faced with his thoughts, more or less harmful. «Enfermé entre quatre murs, on va avoir tendance à davantage ressasser, les pensées négatives vont tourner en boucle dans notre cerveau comme un disque rayé»», analyse Christophe Haag (2), chercheur en psychologie sociale.These pessimistic thoughts obsessive and nibble on available brain time.They will weigh on the individual, and can lead to depressive phases.

By dint of not going out, boredom will be strongly felt, with the impression of leading a monotonous, repetitive life, without interest. «Même si l’ennui peut avoir du bon, et permet d’en apprendre plus sur soi via une introspection, il devient mauvais quand il s’inscrit trop durablement»», rappelle le chercheur.This prolonged boredom will then be the cause of new mania, in some cases gnawing on the nails, tear off the skin or eyebrows.It can even lead until the appearance of eating disorders, in those who eat to compensate for inaction.

A social rejection

Prostrate at home, one can feel rejected, ostracized by others, one of the greatest fears of the human being."To be well at the psychological level, we need to be surrounded, to exchange, admits Frédéric Saldmann.Loneliness harms health.»»To be socially active isolated an area in the brain which is the same as that activated when one hurts.To be alone for a long time is therefore akin to real physical pain.

We will then feel a whole range of negative emotions, from sadness to frustration, through anger and despair. «Ces émotions sont extrêmement énergivores pour le corps et la tête, et plongent dans un état de stress permanent»», assure Christophe Haag.In the long term, self -esteem can greatly suffer. «On est davantage face à soi-même, on est dans une dynamique autocentrée qui fait qu’on se regarde plus, et qu’on voit davantage ses défauts»», admet le chercheur en psychologie sociale.

For your property, it is important to keep a rhythm: take as much light as possible outside, and think about doing physical exercise, even for 30 minutes to a walk per day per day.

(1) Philippe Beaulieu is co-author, with Dr Olivier Pallanca to sleep without herbal teas or medocs, ed.Marabout, 19.90 euros.(2) Christophe Haag is the author of the emotional contagion, (ed.Albin Michel), 21.90 euros.

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