• 16/10/2022
  • By binternet

The first time "South West" spoke of Yves Saint-Laurent ... it was November 11, 1957<

Voici Yves Saint Laurent, jeune modéliste de 21 ans qui est cité comme le successeur possible de Christian Dior [disparu le 27 octobre 1957, NDLR].La première fois que « Sud Ouest » a parlé d’Yves Saint-Laurent… C’était le 11 novembre 1957 La première fois que « Sud Ouest » a parlé d’Yves Saint-Laurent… C’était le 11 novembre 1957

> Retrouvez toutes nos archives sur Yves Saint Laurent dans notre moteur de recherche

Yves Saint-Laurent entered the Dior house following a drawing competition, where he won the first prize.He had become the shadow of the big designer and attended all the fittings and all the presentations.

This first article, published on November 11, 1957, will be followed by it, November 24.After a few days of mysteries, Saint Laurent is now part of the quartet which succeeds Christian Dior.

Christian Dior was worth these four people

The title of "Napoleon of fashion", which had been awarded to Christian Dior, could have been denied if, overnight, we had found a successor to the great deceased deceased.And, precisely, it is at a haute couture school that the creator of the "New Look" left his name, and at the head of this school, four people are not too much to hold the place of Dior.

It was the industrialistMarcel Boussac who publicly crowned the new "Brain - Trust" of the Dior school:Ms.Mitzi Bricard Accessorist;ThenMrs.Marguerite Carré, technician.M. Yves Saint-Laurent, premier modéliste, etMme Raymonde Zenacker, conseillère.

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At Dior, behind the scenes of luxury

Emblème de la haute couture et du savoir-faire "à la française", la maison Dior ouvre ses portes pour une visite de ses ateliers parisiens. Rencontre avec ses couturières passionnées.

Silence and mystery

The role of great virtuoso in this quartet therefore returns to this austere young man of 21 years, Yves Saint-Laurent.We knew he had long been the favorite disciple of Maître Christian Dior.On the death of the latter, the journalists who tried to approach him collided with an insurmountable curtain of silence and mystery. Pendant quinze jours,M.Saint-Laurent did not respond to the phone, where a standardist was specially assigned to return the communications intended for him.

La première fois que « Sud Ouest » a parlé d’Yves Saint-Laurent… C’était le 11 novembre 1957

À midi et le soir, il quittait l’immeuble de l’avenueMontaigne, à Paris, dans une camionnette bâchée, jusqu’à ce qu’il soit officiellement investi de ses nouveaux pouvoirs.

Sur le même sujet

20 years ago, the latest parade from Yves Saint-Laurent in Paris

Double célébration en 2022 pour le grand couturier dont le premier défilé s’est déroulé le 29 janvier 1962 et le dernier, le 22 janvier 2002.

Yves Saint-Laurent was born in Oran in 1956.He has been collaborating with Dior for five years and contributed largely to the preparation of the collections.The question that the world of sewing is now being asked is whether Yves Saint-Laurent will remain the exact and pious disciple of Christian Dior or if the personality of this young man will assert himself.

We know the rest.Yves Saint Laurent "will assert himself" quickly by creating with Pierre Bergé in 1961, his own fashion house, including the first parade, intended to mark the history of fashion and the last century, will take place on January 29, 1962.

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Welcome to the lair of Yves Saint Laurent, in Paris

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