• 30/08/2022
  • By binternet

Real estate agents must return to the field!<

The French real estate market is going through a turbulence area.Perfectly correlated with GDP, the real estate sector is directly affected by the economic crisis.The number of transactions is also an edifying indicator: 650,000 in 2012 against 805,000 in 2011 (FNAIM source).This market contraction has also impacted the agency network: 3000 closed agencies (10% of the national network) and 10,000 salaried jobs eliminated (more than 10% of the total workforce).Two main factors are at the origin of this phenomenon: the decryption of the situation of the real estate market in France and the prospects to unlock a sector in crisis.

Impossible to effectively treat the supply and demand fordous phenomena have gradually built and significantly affect the volume of transactions "in addition to the drop in the number of credit granted by banks (-11.6% compared to the previous year), and an extreme wait -and -see of buyers (4 to 6 months for the finalization of a real estate transaction and 6 months and a year for a third of them), the real estate market is not lacking in sellers or buyers»».There are two major brakes: censorship by number and lack of adaptation and professionalism of market players.Indeed we are subject to such a mass of available products and such a number of stakeholders and intermediaries that the loss of information is considerable.Efficiently treating the entire supply and demand seems impossible to me in the current state.

We are also witnessing inertia on the side of the owners who have not integrated the drop in prices in their offer.They therefore offer goods estimated at a value much higher than the market value while the buyers wish to take advantage of the crisis at all costs to do a business.The market is thus locked, none of the parties wishing to yield first.Real estate agencies, already well shaken by the arrival of many players on a highly atomized market, wish to capture available goods.Rate up the price proposed by an owner can lead to the loss of the mandate.Obtaining a sales mandate, even whimsical, has become a priority.

Les agents immobiliers doivent retourner sur le terrain !

The real estate agency must evolve nevertheless, these two parties agree on one point: the lack of professionalism of market players.The perfect illustration is the boom on the online market: tired of the system, less than a quarter of the owners push the door of a real estate agency! It is a real call for the overhaul of the system of the profession!The real estate agency must evolve and adapt to the current market conditions: finished the splendid years where a product filed on the internet in the morning triggered 10 visits during the day and five price offers without the slightest effort.Going to the field, having a proactive approach, understanding customer expectations are all simple active steps which must become a priority for the professional.This system overhaul also involves changing the property marketing network.Like all sectors, real estate is completely jostled by the online which offers the real estate agent, but also and above all to buyers and owners, the means to go to their research.

Limit the profession of real estate agent to holders of a diploma, real estate professionals have the opportunity to provide real quality service related to new consumption methods on this market.They must demonstrate their added value to the Internet competitor who offers to do the same job for a few euros.This will is materialized today by the action of Cécile Duflot, Minister of Equality of Territories and Housing, who wishes more seriousness on the part of players in the sector.The proposal for the professionalization of the profession of real estate agent is to be put into practice urgently.The profession of real estate agent consists more and more at the simple opening of a door while it requires legal, commercial, architectural knowledge.Limit the profession to the holders of a diploma would give it its credibility.Nevertheless if this proposal is interesting, the fact of wanting to regulate the fees at all costs seems to me an uninspired idea, because it is indeed the last lever available to carry out a transaction under negotiation.If the crisis we are going through represents a stateable stoppage the real estate market, it has at least the merit of mechanically purifying all the actors who did not really have their place there.It is up to professionals to adapt and evolve with the market at the risk of not being able to cross the storm.

>> Lire aussi : Cécile Duflot "Livré à lui-même, le marché immobilier a autorisé tous les excès"

>> Pour aller plus loin, retrouvez notre interview de François Davy (Foncia) à la Tribune des Décideurs

Mickaël Fridman*

4 minutes

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