• 21/11/2022
  • By binternet

Miato 2021: The end of the registrations postponed on September 30<

Les préparatifs de la 2e édition du Marché international de l’artisanat du Togo (MIATO) se déroulent normalement.The director of craftsmanship took stock of it on Wednesday.On the occasion, DermaneMoutala announces that registrations continue until September 30 to allow several craftsmen still hesitant to register.

A la suite du lancement de la 2e édition de MIATO, le comité d’organisation a fait une tournée dans toutes les régions du pays.There was talk of mobilizing craftsmen around this new edition.

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The organizing committee also took part in International Handicrafts Week in Grand Bassam in Côte d'Ivoire.A fair during which the Minato team made several exhibitors aware to participate in the Lomé craft market.

DermaneMoutala, le Directeur de l’artisanat annonce que les partenaires qui ont accompagné la première édition de MIATO se sont également positionnés sur cette 2e édition.

On the logistics level, the Miato team has already validated the site development plan that hosts the event.

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MIATO 2021: la fin des inscriptions repoussée au 30 septembre

"Everything is already up to the point and the implementation will start at the beginning of October," reassured Mr..Moutala.

Regarding participants, we note that 50% of the expected exhibitors have already completed their registration.Several other participants made reservations.

MIATO attire des artisans d’autres pays

This year, exhibitors from 8 countries are announced in Lomé.Among them, exhibitors from Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea, Mali, Niger, Senegalese and Togo.Turkey craftsmen have also registered.

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Initially scheduled for September 24, the registration fence was postponed to September 30.

"We want to give the opportunity to the craftsmen who have made reservations to be able to confirm their participation.Some have made reservations without paying for several reasons. Nous voulons les rassurer que l’évènement va vraiment se tenir et ils peuvent venir payer leurs réservations », a indiqué DermaneMoutala.

Le Directeur de l’artisanat a également levé un coin du voile sur les différents prix mis en jeu pour cette 2e édition. Il annonce 3 prix de l’innovation, des prix de l’excellence, des prix spéciaux que des artisans togolais ou étrangers pourraient gagner à l’issue de la 2e édition de MIATO.

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Taking into account the pandemic to the COVID19, the organizing committee indicates that all the arrangements are being taken so that Miato 2021 is not a cluster of propagation of the coronavirus

"There is a health protocol which is prevalidated.There are observations that we will integrate and validate with the coordination of the management of the response to the COVVI19.All measures are taken to ensure the health security of exhibitors and visitors, ”said Mr..Moutala.

The director of craftsmanship invites the public to compliance with barriers to promote a good hold of Miato 2021.

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