• 17/01/2023
  • By binternet

Grossophobia "The world hates us"<

L’une des premières à parler de grossophobie au Québec, Gabrielle Lisa Collard s’est faite discrète depuis le premier confinement. Épuisée et écrasée par la douleur des personnes qui n’hésitaient pas à se confier à elle, elle a cessé d’alimenter son blogue Dix octobre. Des textes tirés de ce blogue et d’autres, inédits, façonnent Rebellious body - Reflections on grossophobia, un recueil essentiel qui boucle une boucle, mais pas le combat. Grossophobie « Le monde nous déteste » Grossophobie « Le monde nous déteste »

Publié le 4 oct. 2021
Valérie SimardLa Presse

The tranquility of the place where she welcomes us contrasts with the rage that lives in her texts and lives her when she talks about grossophobia."How not to be in Tabarnak all the time?"I am all the time Frue.No, no, I'm fine, she tempers, but I'm all the time brush when I think about that.»»

Last year, in full pandemic, the author, journalist and translator took refuge in the Laurentian mountains with her spouse and her animals.Near nature, far from a society that judges it.

A few months earlier, at the start of the pandemic, she had died out of October ten, in full militant exhaustion. Le stress de la pandémie, les mèmes sur la prise de poids du confinement, la vidéo du Doc Mailloux criant : « Les grosses, vous allez y goûter»» (qu’on lui a envoyée 49 fois, elle a compté), les messages incessants de gens lui racontant un épisode grossophobe l’ont forcée à se retirer.Un solicitable trauma sharing that it found it difficult to manage.

« Aujourd’hui, ça va mieux»», assure-t-elle, étendue dans son hamac, aux premières loges du spectacle de l’automne.

Grossophobie « Le monde nous déteste »

With the book, I resumed a little taste for this conversation.The fact that there are other voices that carry this speech helped me to drop out and made that now, I have a little more fun to continue to have a presence without feeling the weight.

Gabrielle Lisa Collard

Behind her exhaustion, there is this feeling also that things move, but too slowly, and that the cause she defends is unpopular."You can see the progress that is made overall, but also, always, everything is to be started again.We are both made elsewhere and not pantoute.[…] The more you inform yourself about it and the more you try to get rid of that, the more frustrating when you remind you how the majority of people perceive you as someone disgusting, by choice.»»

"The world hates us," she writes without detour.He despises us.It includes our parents, our lovers, our teachers, our doctors and our friends.We exist every day surrounded by people who, to different degrees, but without any exception, learned that being big, it was bad and that it should not.»»

« Tout le monde est grossophobe»»

Those who have read October ten know that Gabrielle Lisa Collard does not wear white gloves.His writing is spoken, direct.We laugh, we are indignant, we find ourselves facing our dead angles.For her, everyone is grossophobic, wanting to lose weight is intrinsically grossophobic and tackling a health problem by the weight of the weight is also."Since we were born that we have been taught that, like the sky is blue, being big, it's bad.So, of course, the foundation is grossophobic.Everyone is worried if he realizes that he is taking 10 lb. Il faut se demander : pourquoi ? Qui m’a appris ça ? J’ai peur pour quoi exactement, pour ma santé ou mon apparence ?»»

This deconstruction work, the young woman started him more seriously about ten years ago by discovering the work of antigrossophobia activists, mainly in the United States."I accepted that, that's my appearance.»» Mais elle sait que beaucoup ne l’acceptent pas et c’est pour elle une source d’anxiété."Lots of people told me that at the grocery store, others come to remove things from their basket.If I'm going to buy chips because I get friends, I think about it all the time.»»

The fact that the weight is largely perceived as a choice makes progress difficult.

We judge that you shouldn't be oppressed for something you don't choose, but from the moment you think you choose your weight, this is where the whole compassion is striving.

Gabrielle Lisa Collard

Weight is a complex reality, just like grossophobia.She would like to be able to explain it in a few sentences, or in a clip formatted for the media, but apologizes several times not to achieve it.The false promises of the regime industry, the dictates of appearance, the war on obesity and the famous risk factors, these are subjects that it attacks head -on.It does not reject that body weight has an impact on health, but deplores that it is systematically put in the foreground, in front of life habits.A reality which, she believes, tends to change, a little, especially with the Health At Every Size approach, which aims for inclusion by not putting the weight at the center of the evaluation.

"No matter where we go, we can agree that stigma does not help anyone," sums up the author.If it was so simple to control your weight, there would be less big.I believe that by accepting at least to open up to the infinite complexity of this question, we have no choice to soften a little and leave more room for humans beyond thebold.»»

Even if she is not at her first publication (she published a novel, the death of King, in 2019) and that many texts contained in this collection have already circulated, the publication of this book makes it nervous.Because a printed book (and audio, with the voice of Catherine Ethier) has the potential to reach people who have not yet been in contact with her ideas."I was so bullied in my life that I am very afraid of being humiliated publicly.To be disgusted on the internet, it comes back to me in.»» Elle n’envisage pas pour l’instant que son blogue renaîtra, mais parions que sa voix, elle, on l’entendra.

Rebellious body - Reflections on grossophobia

Gabrielle Lisa Collard

Quebec America

168 pages