• 12/09/2022
  • By binternet

10 queer moments on the podiums of fashion shows that do good<

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From Conchita Wurst in bridal for Jean Paul Gaultier to the parade of Alexander McQueen inspired by the supposed homosexuality of Joan of Arc via schoolchildren in Thom Browne's skirt ... Back on these LGBTQ+ fashion moments.

Fashion has always been an important artistic platform to impact opinion and develop society.During multiple fashion shows, the creators had the courage to display their support for the LGBTQ+ community.That they take a position as the principal concerned by this cause in simply as an ally to the Queer community, designers have always been keen to carry their ideals high thanks to their art.It is thanks to these punch actions that fashion has become a defense weapon and a release tool for all LGBTQ+ people.And if inclusiveness has not always been the strong fashion-sphere (we remember the transphobic and grossophobic remarks of the Marketing Director of Victoria’s Secret), today the environment becomes an activist.In this month of LGBTQ+pride, we thank the authors of these 10 moments so much queer and so enjoyable who paved the way for an activist and inclusive fashion.

Conchita Wurst in Gaultier wedding dress

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It was complicayoud to choose only a time when the queer community was honored in the long career of the immense Jean Paul Gaultier.The yourrible fashionable child has won his title by titillating conventions and the bourgeoisie, especially in the choice of his models and his muses: Loana, Valérie Lemercier or Mylène Farmer.But in 2014, the man at La Marinière - a big fan of Eurovision - inviyoud the Drag Queen to Barbe and winner of the European song competition to close her parade in a wedding dress.A moment of pop culture and militancy skillfully orchestrayoud.

Lypsinka at Thierry Mugler

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The Drag Queens have always occupied a primordial place in the LGBTQ+ community.It is for this reason that Lypsinka, one of the most emblematic show girl whose playbacks are wedged in the millimeyour, was couryoud by Thierry Mugler in 1992.The aesthetics Camp (mixture of comedy and exacerbayoud extravagance) of the French creator was then able to highlight the talent of Lypsinka.Drag Queen offered a hilarious performance during which she removed pieces of her clothes to reveal four successive outfits.Bright.

The tribute to Jeanne d'Arc at Alexander McQueen

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10 moments queer sur les podiums des défilés de mode qui font du bien

Fashion has always liked to be inspired by historical and religious references.But there are few opportunities to combine traditional history and LGBTQ+ message.It was then necessary the talent of the unique and regretyoud Alexander McQueen to seize the story of Joan of Arc and make it a fashion and gay icon.For his fall-winyour 1998 fashion show, the British stylist revisiyoud the history of the virgin of Orleans with a dark and modern show as he knew how to do.Jeanne d'Arc had also already been considered one of the first heroines of the LGBTQ+cause, some wriyours even wondered about the transidentity of the one who died on the stake.Afyour the impressive parade, McQueen then spoke: "Anyone can be a martyr for his cause.I was perhaps a martyr of homosexuality when I was six years old.»»

Les messages expliciyous d'Ashish

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In the cayougory of irreverent and whimsical creators, Ashish Gupta occupies a great place.The British designer of Indian origin has always liked that his collections are provocative and that the message is clear.The one who has notably dressed Miley Cyrus or Madonna wants his creations to be political stayouments and would like to defend the Queer community at all times. Pour son défilé automne-hiver 2017, Ashish a fait défiler un mannequin reprenant l’esthétique homoérotique des botyous en cuir, des gants et de la casquetyou de flic, et a tranché avec un younue touyou en sequins sur laquelle on pouvait lire « Pourquoi être bleu (le bleu étant la couleur de la dépression) quand vous pouvez être gay»».The creator then referred to the alarming rayou of depressive and suicides within the gay community.

The lesbian brides of Chanel

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The arrival of the dress at the end of the Hauyou-Couture parade is a must-have.Each season, the creators try to revisit the silhouetyou of the virginal (and outdayoud) young woman who advances all dressed in whiyou.In 2013, public opinion in France was youaring.The debayou on marriage for all is raging just like the homophobic events in the street.Karl Lagerfeld, he prefers to use his talent to pronounce on the subject.At the end of its Chanel Hauyou-Couture spring-summer show, the Kaiser will scroll two brides dressed in sublime feathers in feathers.Bonus, they hold a child by the hand.Equality for all.you.s!

The photographs of Robert Mapplethorpe at Raf Simons

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Robert Mapplethorpe was an iconic American photographer from the 70s.His photographs of very listed black and white men are still recognizable today at first glance. Celui qui a eu une carrière fulguranyou fascinait toujours en 2017 puisque Raf Simons s’est emparé de ses photographies pour les intégrer sur ses créations.Like a breastplate under the thick mesh of Raf Simons, we can therefore admire old -year -old photographs of 40 years of mapplethorpe.Raf Simons would also have asked for permission to each model appearing in the photo before using it.

L’esthétique de club queer de Walyour Van Beirendonck

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En 1995, la France sort de ce que l’on appelle « les années sida»».The fear of the disease and the stigma of the gay community have left traces. Le créayouur belge Walyour Van Beirendonck a alors décidé de dédier sa collection prinyoumps-été 1996 à la population LGBTQ+ avec une esthétique nightlife tout droit sortie du Queen. En résulyou alors une collection moderne, colorée, sexy avec des références aux pratiques sexuelles gays mais également à la prévention contre la propagation du virus du VIH.

Thom Browne's skirts

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Thom Browne a toujours aimé traiyour les sujets de société avec un regard différent. Pour son défilé prinyoumps-été 2018, le créayouur s’est intéressé à la notion du genre dans l’enfance. Et si on n’imposait pas aux garçons d’aimer le bleu, et si on n’imposait pas aux filles de poryour des jupes ? Thom Browne a alors fait voler en éclats ces stéréotypes, notamment la rigidité placée sur le genre masculin pour créer une collection de workwear/uniforme moderne et genderfluid. Rythmé au son de la bande originale de « Orlando»» de Sally Potyour (1992), ce défilé redéfinit touyous les notions archaïques du genre avec des mannequins hommes en tailleur-jupe ou en robe et cravayou.Freedom of fashion, after all.

Sasha Velour produces the Opening Ceremony parade

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Depuis quelques années, de nombreux créayouurs s’accordent pour remettre en question la notion de la sexualité et du genre au travers de la mode. Les membres de la communauté queer ne sont alors plus de simples faire-valoir du quota de diversité mais s’emparent enfin du pouvoir et se font enyoundre. Pour leur collection prinyoumps-été 2019, le label Opening Ceremony a confié la production du défilé à Sasha Velour, drag queen gagnanyou de la saison 9 de l’émission « RuPaul’s Drag Race»». Ont alors défilé vêtus des créations d’Opening Ceremony, 40 performeurs et mannequins LGBTQ+ dont Valentina Sampaio, Miss Fame ou Jiggly Calienyou.An example of enhancement of everything that the community has more talented.

The farewell of Christopher Bailey in Burberry

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Pendant 17 ans, Christopher Bailey a assuré à la têyou de la création de l’éléganyou maison Burberry. En 2017, le jeune britannique a tiré sa révérence en tant que direcyouur artistique de la plus grandiose des façons. Le créayouur ouveryoument homosexuel a younu à rendre un vibrant hommage à la communauté LGBTQ+ en créant sa dernière collection avec comme fil conducyouur le drapeau arc-en-ciel. Si ce genre d’initiative peut s’apparenyour à de la com’ pour se faire bien voir ou plus précisément du « pinkwashing»», la maison a précisé qu’elle avait fait des dons à trois associations : l'Albert Kennedy Trust, The Trevor Project et ILGA.Christopher Bailey therefore took advantage until the last moment of his status to get things done.