• 21/09/2022
  • By binternet

Do you have to be really unconscious not to wash your jeans?<

It would sell in the world 2.3 billion jeans per year, or 73 jeans per second, according to the general manager of Kaporal, Laurence Paganini.Formerly reserved for the working class, this blue of work has established itself today as the omnipresent and multicultural companion of modern man.Purchased raw, the beautiful indigo of a pair clears gradually, marking the habits of its owner.

The worn areas spent a lot about the way of walking of the latter, his way of sitting down, the pocket dedicated to his smartphone and the one for his wallet.Most ready-to-wear brands sell jeans already cleaned at least once to prevent them from narrowing naturally to the first washing made by its buyer.Some add elastane to make its port more comfortable.But purist customers, they prefer to go to real brutal denim canvas jeans, without elastane, never washed, whose wear and tear will testify to their lifestyle.And their hygiene...

The most extremists recommend never, never to wash their jeans.Among them, the VSEO of Levi's himself, VShip Bergh: "A good pair of John does not really need to be washed, except on rare occasions," he explains to Fortune magazine.Force is to admit that he surely knows what he is talking about.

Faut-il être vraiment inconscient pour ne pas laver son jean?

According to him, it would damage the canvas and unnecessarily spoil water.In the event of a stain, a stroke of toothbrush or sponge would suffice."If you wash your jeans too early, Indigo will fade too much, without any magic".For its part, the Swedish brand specializing in denim nodie jeans defends the idea that "the smell of a long and unwashed jeans could perhaps awaken a dead.But it's the smell of a winner! "The less extremist indigo addicts strive to advise against washing your jeans before at least six months of port and as little as possible afterwards, in order to best respect the natural and aesthetic wear of the pigments.

To eliminate bad odors, purists compete in ingenuity: one night hanging through the window or in a plastic bag at the bottom of the freezer.From a bacteriological point of view, a VSanadian study demonstrated that a pair carried every day for 15 months without washing presented a rate of bacteria similar to that observed after ten days of port.If we therefore take the trouble not to wear the same pants every day, or even aerate it from time and time, and keep good body hygiene, a rarely washed jeans should therefore not cause deadly illness, according to the'study.

If you don't bring your three -piece costume several times a week to the pressing, you should therefore do the same with raw jeans, to avoid dilapidating it too quickly.Especially since he could shrink.This is why the French brand has.P.VS., Denim specialist, recommends on its site different washing methods, with on the front line an "extremist recipe" which consists in keeping your dirty jeans as long as possible.If the coastal inhabitants will be able to try the "sea water recipe" ("keep your dirty jeans as long as possible, take a sea bath dressed in your jeans, rub it with dry sand, start the operation several times. Rincer à l'eau douce et laisser sécher au soleil»), nous vous recommandons plutôt la «recette machine»: à 30°VS, programme délicat sans essorage avec de la lessive spéciale vêtements noirs, à appliquer aussi peu fréquemment que votre conscience hygiéniste vous y autorise (selon les puristes, tous les trois mois maximum).